
Need AI business ideas? 💡

June 8, 2023
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Over 65% of the 45,000 visionaries that read this newsletter want more business ideas.

You ask for it, you get it. Here’s the agenda for today’s business idea edition:

  • 3 no-code business ideas (for those that want to make serious money) 🤑
  • 3 business ideas using ChatGPT plugins 🔌
  • Quickfire AI headlines and resources 🔥


3 No-Code Business Ideas

It’s pretty much unanimous that if you want to make big money online (we’re talking tens of millions), then building a software company is by far the best way to achieve your goal.

For most people, building software applications without coding experience and a big budget sounds impossible. Right?

Well, that all just changed. Meet Bubble.io.

Bubble is an unbelievable no-code platform that empowers anyone to make web applications without any coding expertise. It makes building an app as easy as building a website on Shopify or Wix.

Here are 3 no-code business ideas you could start with Bubble today. 

1. Marketplaces

Heard of a little company called Amazon? The most successful marketplace on Earth. Ringing any bells?

Well, now you can now launch your very own marketplace for people to buy and sell goods and services without writing a single line of code.

The key is to niche down, and become THE go-to marketplace for a specific item or service. Here are five niche marketplace ideas to get you started:

  1. Freelance Writers Marketplace: A platform where businesses and individuals can connect with freelance writers specializing in different styles and niches, such as SEO content, technical writing, or creative storytelling.
  2. Vegan/Vegetarian Food Products Marketplace: As plant-based diets gain popularity, a marketplace focused on selling vegan or vegetarian food products could be successful.
  3. Pet Services Marketplace: A marketplace that brings together services such as dog walking, pet grooming, and pet sitting in one place.

With the marketplace templates on Bubble, you can quickly get a marketplace up and running in no time at all. 

2. Directory / Listing Site

To understand the potential of directories, look at the success of Nomad List (a site to find the best remote working locations).

With just an idea and a ready-made template from Bubble, you could create a go-to resource for a specific niche, making money through premium access or partnerships with listed businesses.

Here are some niche directory ideas to get your creative juices flowing:

  1. Remote Job Opportunities Directory: As more people are working remotely, a directory that lists global remote job opportunities would be a great resource.
  2. Virtual Reality/Augmented Reality Experiences Directory: A directory that lists VR/AR experiences, reviews, and locations where the technology can be tested.
  3. Tech Podcasts Directory: A curated list of podcasts specifically related to different areas of technology – AI, machine learning, blockchain, startups, and more.

3. AI-Powered Productivity Tools

AI tools and apps are one of the biggest opportunities for entrepreneurs in 2023. People have made millions of dollars in the past few months creating and selling AI-powered SaaS products.

Bubble allows you to build apps and software that are powered by ChatGPT’s powerful language model. Think, an AI-powered tool that helps businesses save time writing emails.

If you want to learn more about building an AI-powered software app without writing any code, then make sure you check out this free video series. 

I want more no-code business ideas!

If you’re hungry for more no-code business ideas, check out this full article. We share two more business ideas that are easy to start up and have huge potential.


3 ChatGPT Plugin Business Ideas

Plugins are basically a way of ‘plugging in’ your own data directly to ChatGPT to make its responses more accurate and effective. Here’s one way of seeing it:

ChatGPT plugins are like Apple’s App Store, and now you can make your own ‘Apps’ (i.e. plugins) for ChatGPT. Check out this article to learn more about plugins.

This opens up a whole new world of opportunities for entrepreneurs to capitalize on the growing demand for AI-powered solutions. Here are some ideas of ChatGPT plugins you could build to take advantage of the gold rush.

1. Local Services Plugin

A local services plugin helps users find and book local services such as plumbers, electricians, hairdressers and more by offering real-time information on availability, pricing and customer ratings.

Example questions to ask the plugin

  • Can you find a highly-rated plumber available in my area within the next 24 hours?
  • What are the best-reviewed local restaurants offering takeout tonight?
  • Are there any upcoming concerts or performances in my city?

2. Career Development Plugin

A career development plugin supports its users in their professional growth by providing personalized advice, job search assistance and real-time job market data.

Example questions to ask the plugin

  • What are the latest job opportunities in the software development field in my area?
  • How can I improve my resume to better match current industry expectations?
  • Which skills are in high demand for marketing professionals?

3. Real Estate Advisor Plugin

A real estate advisor plugin could assist users in finding and evaluating properties by providing up-to-date information on available properties, market trends, and personalized advice.

Example questions to ask the plugin

  • What are the latest property listings in my preferred neighborhood that match my budget?
  • Can you help me schedule a property viewing with a real estate agent?
  • What are some up-and-coming neighborhoods in my city that I should consider for an investment?

If, like us, you’re getting excited by this new opportunity, then make sure you check out this full article. We discuss three additional business ideas including a social media manager plugin, an event planner plugin (huge opportunity), and an SEO plugin.


Need a Logo For Your Business?

Midjourney is a generative AI art tool that enables anyone to quickly create a high-quality, professional logo. For many businesses, it is quickly becoming a genuine alternative to spending thousands of dollars hiring graphic designers.

Those with a sense of entrepreneurialism are even making thousands of dollars per month using Midjourney to create and sell logos on freelance marketplaces like Fiverr and Upwork.

In this article, we share 97 prompts you can use in Midjourney to create beautiful logos. Combine these prompts with information about your own business to make a bespoke logo that fits your brand’s personality and values.


Quickfire AI headlines

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