
Best online business for beginners 🚨

November 30, 2023

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Another WGMI newsletter, another million-dollar idea. Here’s today’s menu: 

  • Best online business to start as a beginner (4 steps to $1m+ per year) 🚨
  • An exciting job opportunity for experienced writers 🖊
  • Quickfire AI headlines and resources 🔥


Best Online Business to Start as a Beginner (4 Simple Steps to $1M+ Per Year)

Not as successful as you thought you’d be by now? 

We asked 2,800 aspiring entrepreneurs, and there is one main reason stopping you from making $10k per month…

You don’t know what business to start. 

So, I made it my mission to find the best online business model to start as a beginner.

I researched for weeks. I spoke to over 20 successful business founders. Read articles, textbooks, and doomscrolled ‘Money Twitter’… I even dusted off my Facebook page to join a Facebook Group. 

Then, I received a DM from the hero of this story: Chase Dimond.

Chase, like the rest of us, experimented with various businesses until he found the perfect model. 

Now, he earns seven figures annually.

He started a services agency (an email marketing agency, to be precise). 

Companies hire agencies to help them with a particular area of their business.

Chase is incredible at email marketing, so companies pay him big bucks to optimize their emails.

Why are service agencies the best online business for beginners?

Agencies are perfect for beginners.

  • Low start-up capital: You are selling your time, so you don’t need to spend a penny. 
  • High demand: If you are highly skilled, businesses will be fighting for your services. 
  • Easy fulfillment: It’s easy to deliver the services… all you need is your time (you can outsource as you scale).
  • High profit margin: Costs are extremely low, so profit is grotesquely high. 

Now we’ve found the right business model, we need a framework to succeed. 

In my 60-minute conversation with Chase, he shared four simple steps anyone can take to replicate his success with the services agency model. 

Step 1: Choose the service you will provide

Your first mission is to decide what service you will provide.

What have you done that has demonstrably benefited the companies you have worked for? 

If you’re not good at anything yet, choose a skill that fascinates you the most. Spend as much time as you can developing that skill with mock projects. 

Step 2: Do something impressive

To get people to pay you, they need to trust you can get results. 

Chase used an unbelievable cold outreach system to grow an email series to 500k email subs in just 10 months.

This unique method is proof that Chase can think big, execute, and get results. 

Nearly all successful creators have that one thing they point to as proof of their authority:

  • Alex Hormozi built Gym Launch to $2.3m per month
  • Gary Vee grew his father’s wine company from $4m to $60m

Your mission is to do something big. Think outside the box, and do something that will get people’s attention and respect. 


Step 3: Hustle to secure your first client

Securing your first clients will be tough.

When the ball starts rolling, momentum grows quickly. But first, you need to hustle.

Hustle 1: Chase messaged everyone he knew and asked if they needed email marketing services.

Hustle 2: Chase spotted an opportunity. In 2019, Mailchimp and Shopify broke up… something that would become a major headache for e-commerce businesses that rely on email marketing. 

Chase sent out mass emails warning brands of the upcoming changes and offered to provide a solution for free. 

It worked a charm. Chase quickly secured 5-10 paying clients. 

Your mission is to look for opportunities. What problems are your target customers facing? Use this opportunity to send a cold email. Save them (then sell them your services).


Step 4: Scale with content

You have your first few clients, and a team in place to fulfill the services. 

Now it’s time to scale. Chase did this by becoming a content king.  

Chase gave me an insight that completely changed the way I see growing a following on Twitter and LinkedIn. 

It’s all about “climbing the engagement ladder”.

This technique propelled Chase to 200k+ LinkedIn followers in just one year (as well as growing other pages to hundreds of thousands of followers).

At first, the technique may sound impure, but this is the reality of social media. ALL the big accounts and gurus are doing this kind of stuff. 

This is as close to a “growth hack” as you’re ever going to find. 

To learn how you can climb the engagement ladder, check out the full article here.


Should YOU start an agency?

If you want to start a business, but you’re not sure where to start, the agency model is an incredible entry point.

This won’t make you rich quickly, but it will make you some money quickly.

If you want to earn between $10-20k by this time next year, then this is your best shot as a beginner.

This path made Chase millions of dollars per year.

To learn more about Chase and his 4-step process, head over to the full article on our website.


A job opportunity for experienced writers

At WGMI, we have big plans. We need elite writers to help us execute them.

If you have over 2 years experience working as a paid writer/copywriter, please get in touch. 

Shoot me a message on Twitter if you have any questions. 


Quickfire AI headlines

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