May 16, 2022

Daily Newsletter

May 16 2022

NFT Market Update

With the valuation of cryptocurrencies significantly down and projects pushing back launch dates, the trading volume on OpenSea has seen a sharp decline over the past weekend – yesterday’s daily trading volume was the lowest we have seen in recent months. 

Yesterday’s trading volume on OpenSea is down approximately -44.1% from the day before with only 33.8 million dollars in trading volume for the day, and many collections and their floor prices have been getting negatively impacted due to the current market sentiment.

Source: Dune Analytics

Crypto Update

After last week’s calamitous plunge for the major cryptocurrencies and a record week of volatility for Bitcoin, the last 24 hours have been relatively stable. Bitcoin is up 0.79% over the last 24 hours at $29,831 and Ether is up 0.1% at $2,034. Cardano and Solana are breaking the general trend, both of which are up over 5% each at $0.57 and $54 respectively. 

Project Launches

GENE_SIS: The Girls of Armageddon

GENE_SIS Senshi is a 10k collection of anime-style PFPs created by a team based out of South Korea. The artist known as GHARLIERA has worked on other titles such as Cyberpunk 2077, League of Legends, Final Fantasy, Capcom’s Resident Evil, and more. Those who owned 1 of 1 collections of artworks by GHARLIERA were given a mintlist role which allowed them to mint for 0.1 ETH, whereas those on the whitelist had to mint for 0.15 ETH and those on the public mint for 0.2 ETH. GENE_SIS is one of the top trending collections of the week with over 2.6k ETH of volume traded in less than a week of deploying their contract. The current floor price of this collection is sitting at 0.785 ETH, and this shows that the anime-meta is still alive and kicking. 

Supply Count: 10,000 

Mintlist Mint Price: 0.1 ETH
WL Mint Price: 0.15 ETH
Public Mint Price: 0.2 ETH 

Current Floor Price: 0.785 ETH

Website: https://tgoagenesis.com/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/GENESIS_SENSHI

Discord: https://discord.com/invite/genesissenshi

OpenSea: https://opensea.io/collection/gene-sis-the-girls-of-armament

CryptoNinja Partners

CryptoNinja Partners’ an anime-based NFT collection of 22,222 NFTs, and it is the second collection created by the team behind ‘CryptoNinja’. Their first collection has a total of 31 items and the floor price sits at 13 ETH at the time of writing. 

The CryptoNinja Partners collection sold out within just 2 hours of launching and they had an incredibly generous mint price of only 0.001 ETH with no max cap so those who were whitelisted were able to mint as many NFTs as they wanted. It is important to note that this collection has a higher royalty fee than other collections as it is set at 10%. The current floor price of this collection is sitting at 0.03 ETH which is 30 times the initial mint price. The 22,222 collection currently has only 2.6k owners which could potentially result to a sudden price dump in the near future. 

Supply Count: 22,222

WL & Public Mint Price: 0.001 ETH

Current Floor Price: 0.03 ETH

Website: https://www.ninja-dao.com/en

Twitter: https://twitter.com/NinjartOfficial

Discord: https://discord.gg/ninjadao

OpenSea: https://opensea.io/collection/cryptoninjapartners


PLUR is a 3D money PFP project created by a Chinese team who initially intended the mint cost to be 0.085 ETH, but later they changed it to a free mint and refunded the early contributors which helped the 8,585 NFT collection to sell out while the NFT market sentiment was mostly negative. This is great for those who were able to mint, but now the collection has 1.3k owners with a total supply size of 8,585 which is severely skewed and unfavorable for the PLUR community. 

Supply Count: 8,585

Mint Price: Free

Current Floor Price: 0.048 ETH

Website: https://plur.io

Twitter: https://twitter.com/plurapeclub

Discord: https://discord.gg/tBvuagQG

OpenSea: https://opensea.io/collection/plurofficial

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May 16, 2022

RT @9gagceo: No one likes to be ranked low. Not at school, not in life.
???? Why don’t we start the rankings from “Good” to encourage all the…



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@9gagceo Love the idea ????



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