
Rows AI: The Death of Excel Spreadsheets?

June 26, 2023

If you have spent countless days, weeks and months mastering Excel, I have some good news and some bad news.

The bad news is that AI can do your job. The complex world of Excel formulas, numbers, and data has just been made much more accessible to beginners by Rows AI.

The good news is that AI can do your job. You no longer have to spend your day in Excel. Rows AI can now build better spreadsheets for extremely complicated data analysis within minutes.

What is Rows AI?

Rows AI is not just a simple spreadsheet tool. It uses AI to help any person or business analyze their data without any spreadsheet experience or knowledge.

Traditional spreadsheets are powerful but often require a steep learning curve to manipulate complex data. They rely on intricate formulas that can become overwhelming for the average user. Rows AI changes all this by using AI to process and analyze data.

Rows AI has a number of impressive features:

  • Data Import: Import data from various file types or from over 50+ integrations like Facebook Ads, Google Sheets, Mailchimp, Twitter, Snowflake, and Stripe.
  • AI Analyst: Ask the AI to perform a trend analysis, create graphs, or provide specific insights. No need for complex formulas or scripts.
  • Chart Creation: Create beautiful line charts, bar charts, and more with just one click.
  • Text Classification and Tagging: Automatically categorize and tag any text to bring clarity to your unstructured data.
  • Content Generation: Get AI-generated ideas for SEO keywords, blog post titles, and content themes.
  • Text Transformation: Apply logic rules to text, summarize it, and translate it into any language.

A step-by-step guide to using Rows AI

Getting started with Rows AI could hardly be simpler. Here is a step-by-step guide to Rows AI created by Hasan Toor.

Step 1: Import your data

Go to Rows AI.

Import your data from files ( like: csv, xlsx ) or from over 50+ integrations, including:

  • Facebook Ads
  • Google Sheets
  • Mailchimp
  • Twitter
  • Snowflake
  • Stripe

Step 2: Analyze your data

With its GPT integration, Rows is like a data analyst with superpowers.

Ask it to do anything you want.

1. Do a trend analysis.
2. Ask to create a graph.
3. Ask for insights (Like ‘How many purchases per campaign ?’)

Step 3: Create a chart in seconds

With just one click, create line charts, bar charts, and more to visualize your data.

Example: A line chart using clicks over time

Step 4: Ask AI anything about your data

Ask the AI questions about the data.

Example: How many purchases did we have per campaign?

Is Rows AI Free?

Rows AI indeed offers a free plan for users, but there are also paid options that unlock more advanced features:

Free Plan

  • Price: $0/month
  • Unlimited workspace members and spreadsheets
  • 10,000 integration tasks
  • Automation frequency: Every hour

Plus Plan ($59/month)

  • Unlimited workspace members, spreadsheets, and integration tasks
  • Automation frequency: Every minute

Pro Plan (Contact for pricing)

  • All the features of the Plus plan
  • Single Sign-On (SSO)
  • Dedicated Customer Success Management (CSM)
  • Advanced AI functions

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