
Build a Successful Product Launch Strategy With ChatGPT

July 26, 2023

Be honest. What are you more likely to buy?

Option 1: A product that you’ve stumbled upon for the very first time, made by an unfamiliar brand.

Option 2: A product that is being sold by a brand that has already provided value to you through content, webinars and access to their community. 

It’s Option 2 every time. 

If you want people to buy your products and services, you need to come up with an immaculate product launch strategy.

What is a product launch strategy?

A product launch strategy is the planning of all the stages that makes releasing a new product to the market a success.

It is the plan that will take your product from being completely unknown to the front and center of your prospective customers’ minds.

It is the plan that will create the hype, buzz and anticipation for your product.

How do I create a new product launch strategy?

Now you’re asking the right questions.

To launch your product successfully, you’re going to need to get creative. If that’s too much to ask of you, then you get ChatGPT to help you.

Use this prompt in ChatGPT to generate a 4-step product launch strategy that builds excitement, creates a sense of urgency, and converts this anticipation into sales.

My product/service is [PRODUCT/SERVICE]. My target audience is [TARGET AUDIENCE].
I want you to help me apply the 'Product Launch Funnel' concept from the book 'Dot Com Secrets' to effectively launch my product/service. In the book, Russell Brunson explains how this funnel works to generate anticipation and excitement for a new product. It includes a series of pre-launch content, an open cart period, and a clear deadline for when the product will no longer be available or will increase in price.
An example of a successful product launch is Apple's iPhone releases. They use a series of events, presentations, and teasers to build excitement before the actual product becomes available for purchase. This makes their audience eager and creates a sense of urgency.
Now, based on the principles of the 'Product Launch Funnel', I want you to help me plan a launch strategy for my product/service. What pre-launch content can I create? What kind of events or presentations can I host? How can I create a sense of urgency?
Provide me with a detailed 4-step product launch strategy that builds excitement, creates a sense of urgency, and converts this anticipation into sales. Give 3 different options.

Example product launch strategy for a gourmet subscription box

Example product launch strategy for a cosmetics line

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