
Logan Paul’s ’99 Originals’ Continues to Generate Huge Sales

May 16, 2022

In the midst of incrementally rolling out NFTs from his ’99 Originals’ project, Logan Paul’s ‘#31 MIKE TYSON’S PIGEONS’ NFT has sold for a whopping 22 ETH ($44,500). As described by Paul when releasing the NFT last week, the asset is simply an image of Mike Tyson playing with his beloved pigeons outside of his home in Las Vegas. 

I wanted to shoot a @MikeTyson headshot as an homage to his notorious ear incident, but it was too corny.

We pivoted and I captured Mike with his pigeons (he loves pigeons) in a much more organic way — it worked. Mike is a legend, & I’m honored to have him in the project pic.twitter.com/QzPBqbazMp

— OriginalsDAO (@OriginalsDAO) May 11, 2022

Upon observing the ’99 Originals’ page, the Mike Tyson NFT is just 1 of 7 NFTs to be released from the 99 asset collection, with other notable sales being Originals #1’s sale for 25 ETH ($60,000) and Originals #14’s sale for 46.5 ETH ($104,000). 

Despite pulling in such impressive sales (which we could assume were thanks to Paul mega-fans), Paul and his array of Web3 endeavours are still prone to being met with skepticism from the wider NFT community. Perhaps the notable claimants of them all is notorious ‘on-chain sleuth’ zachxbt, whose rigorous investigations point to Paul being linked to three separate ‘pump and dump’ schemes linked to the $ELON, $FUCKELON and $EMAX tokens (on top of other ‘trivial’ pump and dump promotions).

1/ A thread on @LoganPaul and his sketchy track record in the Web 3 space thus far. pic.twitter.com/wNmyw5TyFb

— ZachXBT (@zachxbt) May 13, 2022

With Paul also launching his ‘Liquid’ NFT marketplace in addition to the ’99 Originals’, his inaugural NFT endeavour CryptoZoo (which blacklisted holders when they migrated contracts) seems to have become rather neglected, as its floor currently sits at 0.089 ETH. 

Although spinning multiple NFT plates, many of which being rather questionable, it is rational to conclude that Paul’s ’99 Originals’ is the most transparent of them all – as it is literally a collection of 99 nostalgic and iconic images from Paul’s life (which you can buy post-reveal).

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