
How to Make AI Write Like You (Claude 2 Tutorial)

July 20, 2023

The most common complaint for people who regularly use ChatGPT is almost always the same: it sounds generic.

It’s great for many things, but writing text that sounds like a genuine human isn’t one of them.

No matter how deep, detailed, or complex the prompt is, ChatGPT’s long-form text results almost always sound like a robot.

If you’re familiar with this issue, I have a solution: Use Anthropic’s Claude 2 instead.

Quick Summary: You can feed Claude 2 lots of documents and examples in a single prompt and ask it to mimic the style and tone of the text in those examples. That means you can make Claude 2’s answers sound way more human than ChatGPT. You can even make it write in your own style and voice.

What is Claude?

Claude is an AI chatbot (like ChatGPT) that was created by ex-OpenAI executives. Here are a few things you should know about it:

  • It’s free
  • It can accept multiple documents as prompts
  • Claude 2 is available in beta starting today in the U.S. and U.K. both on the web and via a paid API (in limited access)
  • It has a superpower: Your prompts can be 70,000 words long (ChatGPT’s is around 500 words)

How do I make Claude 2’s answers sound human?

Step 1: Prepare examples

As you already know, Claude 2 allows you to upload documents. You can ask it to mimic the style and tone of voice used in those documents. That means we need to prepare some examples.

Here you have a few options.

  1. Make it sound like you: Put examples of your own writing (for example, your Tweets or articles) into a document. You can do this by creating a Google Docs document, copying all your examples into the Google Doc, then downloading it as a PDF.
  2. Make it sound like an eBook author: You can use a PDF version of an eBook (you can find thousands of eBook PDFs on this website).
  3. Make it sound like your favorite writer: Let’s say you have a favorite writer, and you love the style of their tweets (I love George Mack for example). You could put all his Tweets into a Google Doc and download it as a PDF.

Step 2: Upload your document

Go to Claude 2 and upload the document with your content. It accepts lots of different formats (pdf, doc, txt, csv, …).

The video below from Paul Couvert shows you exactly how to do that.

Don’t forget, you can upload multiple documents if you want / need to!

Step 3: Write your prompt

Now you just need to tell Claude what to write.

Here are a few example prompts to give you an idea of how you can use it.

  • “Here are my best Twitter hooks in the attached document. Using these examples, write a new Tweet about a new chatbot called Claude 2 . Don’t start with a question, and use simple English.”
  • “Here are 5 articles from my favorite author. Using the style and tone of the author in these examples, write an introduction to an article on how AI will affect job opportunities”
  • “You’ll find my latest blog posts on recent tech advancements attached. Use the tone and style of my writing to draft a press release announcing our company’s upcoming virtual reality conference”
  • “Find attached a series of engaging posts from our Facebook page. In the same upbeat and engaging tone, draft a post announcing a new series of webinars about blockchain technology we’ll be hosting”

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