
GPT Engineer: Build a Powerful App with 1 Prompt

June 20, 2023

GPT Engineer is an AI agent (like AutoGPT) that can build entire coding projects (like apps and websites) with a single prompt.

It has attracted immense attention from the developer community, garnering nearly 30,000 stars on GitHub.

Can you actually build an app with GPT Engineer?

Building an app with GPT Engineer is easy as 1, 2, 3:

  1. Specify what you want to build;
  2. AI asks you clarification questions, and you provide your answers;
  3. GPT Engineer builds it.

And the best thing is: it is open-source. So you can start using it (for free) today.

What can you build with GPT Engineer?

GPT Engineer’s versatility allows users to bring a wide variety of projects to life. In the videos below, you will see people using GPT Engineer to recreate the classic game ‘Snake’, to build a joke website, and even analyze data sets.


Recreating the game ‘Snake’ is a coding project regularly taught in coding boot camps, and would usually take around 3 months to build. Now, beginners with no coding experience can build this project in minutes.

Joke website

Analyse a dataset

What kind of apps could I build with GPT Engineer?

If you want to use GPT Engineer, but don’t know what to make, here are some project ideas to get you going:

  • Develop a basic blog platform
  • Make an online calculator
  • Develop a simple reminder app
  • Build a trivia quiz app
  • Create a recipe finder app

Are there any limitations to GPT Engineer?

It sounds too good to be true, right? Well, there are some limitations.

One key limitation is that you can’t perform iterations. So, after Engineer GPT has built you the app, you can’t ask it to change anything. To perform changes, you would need to make them yourself.

Another major pitfall is that you’re going to need some coding experience if you want to build something that isn’t extremely simple. If an error occurs, then you’ll need coding experience to understand those errors and fix them.

However, this AI agent technology is in its infancy. It gives a clear indication of what the future of coding and development might look like – fully AI automated.

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