
How To Make A Free AI Voice (Shockingly Realistic)

May 2, 2023

AI is getting incredibly good at creating realistic voices, music and sounds. While most text-to-audio AI tools come with a price tag, there is now a free AI tool that allows you to create realistic voices just by typing: Bark.

What is Bark? A free AI voice generator

Text-to-audio tools are expensive, with average monthly costs of around $12. Bark is taking a different approach. As a free and fully open-source AI tool, it makes generating realistic voices and sounds accessible to a wider audience, opening up new opportunities for content creators, businesses, and anyone else who just wants to experiment with AI tools. 

Bark not only generates highly realistic, multilingual speech but also produces other audio elements such as music, background noise, and simple sound effects.

Bark can produce nonverbal communication like laughing, sighing, and crying – adding a layer of depth and emotion to audio experiences. The potential to generate audio in multiple languages also makes Bark an invaluable resource for content creators looking to expand their reach and tap into new markets.

What can you do with Bark?

The things you can do with Bark are impressive, especially considering it’s a free tool. Here are some of its key features:

  • Generate realistic speech in multiple languages
  • Produce nonverbal communication like laughter, sighs, and crying
  • Create melodies and songs from text prompts by adding music notes around lyrics
  • Specify speaker prompts such as NARRATOR, MAN, WOMAN, etc., to create dialogue and character-driven audio

Closing Thoughts

Content creation will never be the same again. As tools like Bark improve, more and more people can access to these powerful AI capabilities. Expect a renaissance of human creativity as more and more people have the ability to create content on a shoestring budget.

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