
Become More Persuasive With ChatGPT

July 10, 2023

Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion” by Robert Cialdini is often cited as one of the best books on marketing and persuasion ever written.

The psychological principles in this book have been used by entrepreneurs, CEOs and marketers all across the world to build multi-million (even billion) dollar companies.

What if I told you there was a way to apply the principles of this book directly to your life without reading a single page?

In this article, we will share five ChatGPT prompts you can copy and paste to apply the powerful psychological principles of persuasion directly to your business and circumstances.

You’re about to get a whole lot more persuasive.  

WARNING: These ChatGPT prompts are extremely effective. If you would rather spend days reading the book and weeks wondering how to apply them to your business, do NOT read this article.

Prompt 1: The principle of ‘Reciprocity’

If someone buys you lunch, you often feel obligated to buy them lunch next time.

The rule of ‘reciprocity’ states that “…we should try to repay, in kind, what another person has provided us.”

This psychological principle is very powerful. Use this ChatGPT prompt to brainstorm ways you can use it in relation to your products and services.

My product/service is [PRODUCT/SERVICE]. My target audience is [TARGET AUDIENCE].

I want you to help me come up with strategies that leverage the principle of Reciprocity to enhance my marketing efforts. Reciprocity is the psychological principle where if someone gives us something, we feel obligated to give something back in return.

Robert Cialdini, in his book "Influence", provides multiple examples of this principle in action. For instance, he talks about how the Hare Krishna Society successfully used the principle by giving out flowers at airports, which led to increased donations. He also mentions the research study by Dennis Regan, where participants who received a soda were more likely to buy raffle tickets.

How can I provide value first to my customers or potential customers, making them more inclined to purchase my product/service? This value could be in the form of information, gifts, or experiences. Consider different customer touch points and stages in the customer journey, from awareness to purchase.

Please brainstorm 4 different marketing campaign ideas that incorporate the principle of Reciprocity, making sure to highlight how the act of giving first would compel the customer to reciprocate.

Example prompt

Example ChatGPT result

Prompt 2: The principle of ‘Commitment and Consistency’

If you make a public statement about a specific goal (e.g. losing weight), you are more likely to achieve that goal. That’s because you want to appear to be a consistent human being that sticks to your word. 

This principle is about our “…desire to be (and to appear) consistent with what we have already done. Once we have made a choice or taken a stand, we will encounter personal and interpersonal pressures to behave consistently with that commitment. Those pressures will cause us to respond in ways that justify our earlier decision.”

You can (ethically) take advantage of this psychological need to appear consistent to sell your products and services. Ask ChatGPT to show you how.

My product/service is [PRODUCT/SERVICE]. My target audience is [TARGET AUDIENCE].

I want you to help me come up with strategies that leverage the principle of Commitment and Consistency to enhance my marketing efforts. Commitment and Consistency is the psychological principle where once we have made a choice or taken a stand, we will encounter personal and interpersonal pressures to behave consistently with that commitment.

Robert Cialdini, in his book "Influence", illustrates this principle with the example of the 'toy marketing strategy.' In this case, a toy that was heavily advertised before Christmas was intentionally made scarce. Parents would buy a substitute toy for Christmas, and when the advertised toy was available after Christmas, they felt obligated to buy it to remain consistent with their initial intention.

How can I encourage commitment from my customers or potential customers, and use that commitment to drive consistent behaviors that benefit my business? This could be through subscription models, pre-orders, loyalty programs, or public pledges.

Please brainstorm 4 different marketing campaign ideas that incorporate the principle of Commitment and Consistency, and illustrate how the customer's initial commitment leads to consistent behavior over time.

Example prompt

Example ChatGPT result

Prompt 3: The principle of ‘Social Proof’

It’s a fact (backed by evidence) that canned laughter (i.e. a laughing track) on a sitcom or series causes an audience to laugh longer and more often.

The reason canned laughter is so effective is explained by the principle of social proof. We are more likely to believe something is valuable if other people consider it valuable.

We are social creatures with a herd mentality. We can use this principle to help us increase our sales and become more persuasive. Use ChatGPT to see all the ways you can use the principle of ‘social proof’ in your business.

My product/service is [PRODUCT/SERVICE]. My target audience is [TARGET AUDIENCE].

I want you to help me develop strategies that incorporate the principle of Social Proof to boost my marketing efforts. Social Proof is a psychological principle that asserts people look to the behavior of others when they are unsure of how to act in a given situation. We assume that if others are doing it, it must be correct.

In his book "Influence", Robert Cialdini talks about the 'laughter tracks' used in television sitcoms as an example of Social Proof. Despite many people claiming that they find canned laughter annoying, TV producers persist in using it because it makes the audience at home more likely to laugh along and enjoy the show, thus improving their perception of the content.

How can I show potential customers that others are choosing my product/service, thereby inducing a sense of trust and legitimacy? This can be through testimonials, ratings, user-generated content, or highlighting the number of satisfied customers.

Please brainstorm 4 different marketing campaign ideas that incorporate the principle of Social Proof, clearly indicating how the behavior or approval of others would influence the potential customers' perception and decision-making.

Example prompt

Example ChatGPT result

Prompt 4: The principle of ‘Authority’

People follow authority figures. It’s a fact that demonstrates itself in all walks of life.

We are brainwashed from a very young age that obedience to authority is right and disobedience is wrong.

To persuade people to buy our products and services, we need to demonstrate that we are an authority figure. Use this prompt in ChatGPT to figure out how you can do that.

My product/service is [PRODUCT/SERVICE]. My target audience is [TARGET AUDIENCE].

I want you to help me develop strategies that harness the principle of Authority to enhance my marketing efforts. Authority is a psychological principle where people tend to obey figures who appear to be in positions of expertise or knowledge. Cialdini explains that people are more likely to follow the advice or guidance of someone they view as an expert.

In the book "Influence", Robert Cialdini uses the example of advertisers often using doctors to endorse products like cigarettes, even when they have no specific knowledge of the product, just because their perceived authority makes the product seem more credible.

How can I show potential customers that my brand is an authority in its field or that my product/service is endorsed by authorities? This can be through showing off credentials, highlighting industry awards or recognition, testimonials from industry experts, or providing insightful, expert content.

Please brainstorm 4 different marketing campaign ideas that incorporate the principle of Authority, showing how demonstrating expertise or endorsement from credible figures can sway potential customers' decisions.

Example prompt

Example ChatGPT result

Prompt 5: The principle of ‘Scarcity’

Limited time offers. Deadlines (like Black Friday). Buy now before the price increases.

You see this kind of messaging everywhere. Why? Because it works.

It is the principle of ‘Scarcity’ in action.

The scarcity principle states that “…opportunities seem more valuable to us when their availability is limited.” Fans of behavioral economists may see how this ties into the concept of Loss Aversion — the fear of loss is always greater than the desire for gain.

Use this ChatGPT prompt to brainstorm ways you can use the principle of ‘Scarcity’ to increase the demand and desirability of your products and services.

My product/service is [PRODUCT/SERVICE]. My target audience is [TARGET AUDIENCE].

I want to leverage the principle of Scarcity, as described by Robert Cialdini in the book "Influence", to create a sense of urgency and exclusivity around my product or service. Scarcity refers to the psychological bias that makes us place a higher value on things that are limited in availability or are in high demand. The fear of missing out (FOMO) can drive people to take action.

One example from "Influence" is the high demand for Tickle Me Elmo dolls during the holiday season in the mid-90s. Because the dolls were hard to find, people were even more eager to buy them, and some resorted to extraordinary lengths to secure one.

How can I create a marketing strategy that leverages this principle for my product/service? This could be through limited-time offers, exclusive memberships, or by emphasizing the unique features that make my product/service scarce in the market.

Please provide 4 different marketing campaign ideas that effectively use the principle of Scarcity to increase demand and desirability for my product/service.

Example prompt

Example ChatGPT result

It’s time to take action

Don’t let this be like all the other content you consume and forget.

I am pleading with you to open up ChatGPT and try these prompts out for yourself. You’re going to be inspired by the results.

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