
What is Bubble.io? Build an App With No Coding Experience

June 6, 2023

It’s pretty much unanimous that if you want to make big money online (we’re talking tens of millions), then building a software company is by far the best way to achieve your goal.

For most people, building software applications without coding experience and a big budget sounds impossible. Right?

Well, that all just changed. Meet Bubble.io.

Bubble is an unbelievable platform that empowers anyone to design, develop, host, and scale web applications without any coding expertise. With Bubble, turning your ideas into a profitable reality is no longer just a privilege for the tech-savvy or those who can afford a developer.

Let’s take a step back… What does traditional app development look like?

App development was once a lengthy, costly process requiring a team of specialized experts. From UI/UX designers, back-end developers, to security specialists, and even experts for integration with other systems – the process was exhaustive, time-consuming, and expensive.

But the most significant barrier was perhaps the need for coding skills. For aspiring entrepreneurs without technical backgrounds, bringing their ideas to life online was basically impossible.

What does Bubble do?

At its core, Bubble allows anyone, regardless of technical knowledge or coding experience, to develop web applications.

Bubble essentially plays multiple roles typically required in traditional app development—user interface design, database management, ensuring security, scalability, and providing connectivity with other services and systems.

Bubble allows anyone to do this in a highly intuitive and automated way, enabling you to oversee everything from design aesthetics to database operations without learning a single line of code.

It makes building an app as easy as building a website on Shopify.

What kind of businesses can I start with Bubble?

The things you can do with Bubble will honestly blow your mind. I’m shocked more people aren’t speaking about it. Here are just a few examples of the businesses you can build using Bubble.

1. AI-Powered Productivity Tools

AI tools and apps really are one of the biggest opportunities for entrepreneurs in 2023. People have made millions of dollars in the past few months creating and selling AI-powered SaaS products.

For example, Tibo made an AI-powered tool called Tweet Hunter that helps people grow their Twitter following, and he just sold it for millions.

Bubble allows you to build apps and software that are powered by ChatGPT’s powerful language model. For example, you can easily build an AI-powered tool that helps businesses save time writing emails or that helps students write essays. 

If you want to learn more about building an AI-powered software app without writing any code, then make sure you check out this free video series.

2. Custom CRM Software

You could use Bubble to create a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) software tailored specifically to the needs of small businesses. This tool could track customer interactions and streamline business operations, thereby improving customer relationships and boosting revenue.

3. Innovative Online Marketplaces

If the retail sector piques your interest, consider using Bubble to build a unique online marketplace. For example, you could focus on niche markets such as handmade crafts or sustainable products, providing a platform for artisans to reach a global audience.

Starting your first Bubble project

Are you itching to bring your online business idea to life with Bubble? Here’s how you can get started.

Quick Start with Templates

To speed up your app-building process, Bubble offers various templates and ready-made apps. For instance, you could customize an e-commerce template to launch a unique online boutique or adapt a blogging template to start a niche blog.

I would highly recommend browsing through the templates to get an idea of the apps you can build.

With these templates, you could get an app up and running in no time at all.

Learning Bubble

The best way to start your Bubble journey is by learning the platform yourself.

Bubble offers an official academy with a comprehensive manual, video tutorials, and interactive courses to help you navigate its editor and understand its functionalities.

Keep in mind there’s a learning curve involved, and you should be prepared for a phase of trial and error. However, the beauty of Bubble is that it allows you to experiment freely. As you gain proficiency, you’ll find yourself capable of creating complex, feature-rich apps.

Hiring Professionals

If you’d prefer to focus on your business strategy and leave the app-building to professionals, consider hiring a Bubble agency or freelancer.

These experts can accelerate your development process and ensure high-quality while avoiding bugs. They can also provide a handover for the final app, enabling you to make tweaks and changes as needed. 

Pro tip: Use your Bubble developer as your personal Bubble mentor… if you have any questions about how things work, or how you could do it yourself, ask them to talk you through it. 

I want to learn more about these kinds of opportunities

If one of these ideas sounds interesting to you, then it’s time to take action. You can use AI tools to help you with almost every area of your business (copywriting, writing emails, building a website, starting a blog, Instagram marketing, and much more). If you want to stay up to date with the latest online business opportunities, make sure you are subscribed to the WGMI newsletter.

If you’re looking for more AI business ideas, then you’re going to want to check out our list of 100+ AI business ideas.

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