April 25, 2022

Daily Newsletter

April 25 2022

NFT Market Update

NFT market is looking very bullish, as trading volume maintains steam over the weekend with $130m and $133m traded on Saturday and Sunday respectively. 

Source: Dune Analytics

Crypto Update

A tough 24 hours for the major cryptocurrencies, with Bitcoin down 3.5% at $38,360 and Ether down 4.8% at $2,808. The dip prolongs a bearish downtrend for the crypto market that we have seen over the last two weeks. 

Launched and Trending Projects

Toons Official

Toons Official is a community-driven collectible project by Illume Studios with a total supply of 4,447 Toons, built from their love of 1930s-style cartoons. The Toons was a free mint project that officially launched its presale on April 22nd and concluded its public sale earlier today. The collection has seen a significant volume in the last 12 hours, reaching a floor price as high as 0.14 ETH before falling to 0.08 ETH where it currently sits.

Supply Count: 4,447

WL & Public Mint Price: free + gas

Current Floor Price: 0.08 ETH

Website: https://www.thetoonsnft.com/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/IllumeStudios

Discord: https://discord.com/invite/toons

OpenSea: https://opensea.io/collection/toonsofficialcollection

Ugly People

Ugly People is an art-focused NFT collection of 10,000 NFTs on the Ethereum Blockchain, created by street artist Jorge Torrealba and his team. Ugly People concluded their public sale on April 24th via a Dutch Auction before selling out of their entire 10k collection. The floor price of these NFTs reached a high of 0.3 ETH before trickling down to a floor price of 0.238 ETH where it currently sits before the reveal phase.

Supply Count: 10,000

WL & Public Mint Price: Presale – 0.15 ETH | Public Sale – Dutch Auction Starting at 0.65 ETH, decreasing by 0.1 every 20 minutes until resting at 0.15 ETH.

Current Floor Price: 0.238 ETH

Website: https://uglypeople.art/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/uglypeoplenft

Discord: https://discord.com/invite/uglypeople

OpenSea: https://opensea.io/collection/ugly-people-torrealba

Storyverse PLOTs

Storyverse allows holders to bring their NFTs to life as it is the first narrative content publishing web tool where people can create and earn from stories using their PFPs. The public mint phase for this collection concluded on 04/22/2022, and the floor price has been steadily increasing for the past three days; it currently sits at 0.42 ETH at writing

Supply Count: 3,001

WL & Public Mint Price: WL – 0.06 ETH | Public – 0.08 ETH

Current Floor Price: 0.42 ETH

Website: https://storyverse.xyz/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/storyverse_xyz

Discord: https://discord.com/invite/storyverse

OpenSea: https://opensea.io/collection/storyverse-plots

Loomi Heads

Loomi Heads are a collection of 5,555 hand-illustrated NFTs inspired by cartoon characters from the 1930s. The project sold out within 15 seconds of the public sale, suggesting the mint was heavily botted – leading to some FUD in their social channels from people that missed out on the mint. Loomi Heads has announced it will be revealing very soon. The floor price of Loomi Heads is currently sitting at 0.155 ETH, which is around 50% more than its initial mint price.

Supply Count: 5,555

WL & Public Mint Price: WL – 0.066 ETH | Public – 0.088 ETH  

Current Floor Price: 0.153 ETH

Website: https://loomiheads.com/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Loomiheads

Discord: Locked/Closed

OpenSea: https://opensea.io/collection/theloomiheads


Apiens began their presale mint phase earlier today and, so far, 3.6k out of 8,000 have been minted. The public sale phase is waiting to be announced, but there is a cause for concern as the public mint price will be 0.169 ETH, but the floor price of this collection is sitting around 0.11 ETH at the time of writing. No savvy investor in their right mind would mint for 0.169 ETH when they can purchase on OpenSea for considerably less than the public mint price. 

Supply Count: 8,000

WL & Public Mint Price: WL – 0.1 ETH | Public – 0.169 ETH

Current Floor Price: 0.11 ETH

Website: https://theapiens.com/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheApiens

Discord: https://discord.com/invite/apiens

OpenSea: https://opensea.io/collection/apiens-main-collection

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WGMI Studios


April 24, 2022

@WGMI_Studios interview with the @rugpullfinder team is starting right now!
Hope to see you there!



WGMI Studios


April 24, 2022

@WGMI_Studios interview with the @rugpullfinder team will be starting in 1 hour!
Hope to see you there!



WGMI Studios


April 24, 2022

@WGMI_Studios will be holding a twitter space on April 24TH 5PM EST to interview the @rugpullfinder team, with… https://t.co/D18aZBog9j



WGMI Studios


April 23, 2022

@LlamascapeNFT @deependnft Winners ????



WGMI Studios


April 22, 2022

@WGMI_Studios interview with @thelobstars team is starting right now!
Hope to see you there!


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