July 7, 2022

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What is Operation SIN?

NFTLlama, the founder of Llamaverse which is one of the NFT industry’s leading influencers recently revealed his latest upcoming project called, ‘operationSIN’. NFTLlama is also the founder of Llamalabs which is the team responsible for other projects such as Llamaverse, Llamascape, WhitelistPing, and SpitBuddies among others. 


OperationSIN has been excellent in its marketing efforts. By using a combination of sneak peeks, and mysterious riddles (such as binary code messaging), they were able to create an incredible amount of engagement on their posts while handpicking their most loyal followers. On June 4th, a tweet from operationSIN suggested that holders will receive a Manga-style PFP for “prototype 002” which was incredibly effective in generating FOMO and hype for this soon-to-be-released project. Llama also changed his official Twitter profile picture to operationSIN artwork. He has confirmed that there will be no “WL raffles” but instead he is building an invite-only community that strives to be “a network” of its own.



There will be no “WL” raffles for SIN. It will be an invite only community.

✍️ We will offer members that are worthy of the cause to join us.

⚡️ operationSIN isn’t just a project… it’s a mission… a network… coming soon pic.twitter.com/xoC1o5HqXb

— NFTLlama (@NFTLlama) June 7, 2022

NFTLlama is combining many of the NFT space’s most successful hype-generating and engagement farming tactics including

  • Private/Closed Discord Access – to grow a tight-knit and high-quality community 
  • Lore-based storytelling that entertains and mystifies further fueling speculation
  • Drip feeding carefully curated information to keep people hooked and entertained
  • Using high-quality anime-style PFP art which has been a big part of NFT culture
  • Active engagement and participation from members seeking to join its exclusive community via likes, retweets, and various “missions”.



Much of the information behind operationSIN is purposefully left shrouded in mystery. The project has been drip-feeding information extremely slowly and methodically and the roadmap is still yet to be publicly released at this time. The few hints we have received involves Protoype 002 which is likely to be a separate collection that will be using manga-style art for phase 2. 


There are five different Twitter accounts that are linked to operationSIN, but much of the team’s information has been kept in the dark. Listed below are all of the Twitter accounts that are officially affiliated with the project as no other information regarding the team is publicly available at this time. 

– @operationSIN (official Twitter account)

– @NFTLlama (founder/creator)

– @HatoETH (operator)

– @Jacktavo (operator)

– @casualties (SIN operator)


Bullish case

OperationSIN is a project that’s founded by one of the leading influencers in the NFT space who is responsible for the success of many other projects like Llamaverse, Llamascape, and SpitBuddies to name a few.  Just looking at the amount of engagement and hype that is building for operationSIN, it is likely that this project will do well at least for the short term, and it will present to be a great flipping opportunity for investors who are able to get on the whitelist.

Over 15,000 members in hours…
The support for the operation has been tremendous.

Please let us know below your discord identity and share this message… we will pick select members to join the cause.

We must destroy the prototypes and LV…https://t.co/h9TYvDkLg5

– SIN pic.twitter.com/v6IqY1uhWh

— operationSIN (@operationSIN) June 8, 2022


OperationSIN has yet to disclose the mint details surrounding the mint price or supply count for this collection. The final mint price will be a great factor in determining whether this project is just another cash grab, or if the team has visions to grow this project and community from the ground up. There have been too many instances of extremely hyped NFT projects eventually turning out to be cash grabs with unreasonably high mint prices. Some examples of such projects that come to mind include Project PXN and Shinsekai which are currently well below their initial mint price, and they coincidentally happen to be anime-style projects.

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