
How To Make a Custom ChatGPT (3 Simple Steps)

June 13, 2023

Did you know you can create a custom version of ChatGPT that has been trained using your very own data?

Chatbase is a tool that lets you do just that. The best bit is you can make a custom ChatGPT chatbot without a hint of coding experience or knowledge. Literally, anyone can do it.

What could you do with a custom ChatGPT?

Don’t underestimate how powerful a custom ChatGPT could be for you.

A custom chatbot in business can automate and enhance customer service, reducing operational costs and response times. It can handle routine inquiries, freeing up staff for complex tasks. Trained on company-specific data, it could provide personalized assistance to customers, improving the overall customer experience.

How to make a custom ChatGPT (3 simple steps)

Step 1: Go to Chatbase

Step 2: Choose your data source

  • Click on “New Chatbot”
  • Choose your data source… it could be a PDF, a website or any other type of text

Step 3: Create your chatbot

  • In the example below, the Vision Pro page on the Apple website has been added as the data source
  • Click on “Create Chatbot” at the bottom of the page

Step 4: Boom, you’re done

Congratulations, you’ve got a custom chatbot. You now have an AI-powered asset that people wouldn’t have even believed is possible only last year.

I want to try it for myself!

If you want to test this impressive tool for yourself, then click here.

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If you’re interested in learning how you can make $10k every month with ChatGPT, then make sure you check out this free article.

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